There was this guy Chinedu who came all the way from Edo to
Lagos to repair his faulty Sony home theatre system. When Chinedu arrived
lagos,he went straight to Alaba international where he bought the set since he didn’t
know where SONY SERVICE CENTER was.
To cut the long story short, he met the “japan-trained” ibo
technicians in Alaba who told him their little shop is the Authorized SONY
SERVICE CENTER and the problem will be fixed immediately. They ended up not
been able to fix the set and also damaging the power board completely with
their over-heating soldering iron. The funny part of the story is that they
later gave Chinedu the address to SONY
The irony of this whole issue is that Chinedu’s Home theater was still under warranty and
they would have fixed it for FREE at the service center but the service
warranty became void the moment the set was tampered with outside and Chinedu
had to pay a high sum to get his set fixed.
A lot of consumers have at one time or the other fallen into
the hands of these road-side technicians and have ended up damaging the equipment.
If any of your equipment/gadget becomes faulty, your first port of call should be the SERVICE CENTER of
your equipment brand. If you don’t know their address or if they have a Service
center in Nigeria, Google it.
Am I trying to discredit our “road-side” service technicians?
NO! Far from it. But the issue is a lot of them lack basic professional ethics.
You don’t have to have a PhDs in ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING to know:
You have to treat/handle a customer’s Unit with a little dignity
You have to buy the RIGHT equipment/tools to work with
and not those soldering iron without heat control.[greed of gain won’t allow
some of them do the right thing though].
You have to update yourself on the new
technologies around. A lot of them know next to nothing about LED/LCD/PLASMA.
Some cannot even read circuit diagrams, all they do is guess work.
I can go on and on about the several short comings of these
technicians who have got great growth potential and become employers of labor
but have decided to remain at their level and guess what? Technology is
by-passing them daily.Imagine,we are no longer using CRT tv any longer but LED
and LCDs.Very soon,we will stop using DVD home theaters and switch to BlueRay
players!I have seen the circuit boards of some of this BlueRay players and I can
tell you with my over 10years of experience on the job, our dear “road-side”
technicians don’t belong in that league!
Its not that I am making a case for this SERVICE CENTERS but
they are still the best bet because its their product in the first place and
they receive technical support from their parent company which our other
technicians don’t have. The Service centers too have got their own issues which
some of them have refused to address because they enjoy a bit of monopoly in
their brand-sphere. For example, if I am a SAMSUNG addict, SAMSUNG will enjoy a
bit of monopoly in that area. Some issues I have come across with these Service
centers include:
High cost of repairs for out-of-warranty products.
Lack of service center spread across the
country[LG is trying in this respect]
*SPECIAL ISSUE* If your LED/LCD screen is broken?
Forget repairs, just buy a new one. This is because the cost of changing the screen
is 90% cost of a new set.
This are just some of the issues but if you ever have any issues with any Service center and
you feel you have a genuine case, then I will advice you reach :CONSUMER
PROTECTION COUNCIL [CPC]… Hotline:08056002020,08056003030. Or you
try this guy @omojuwa[Recommended trouble-maker on twitter…LOL!..Respect!] or just contact me @cooltechnician on
PS:I will write a follow up on this piece soon on the
immense opportunities that abound in starting and operating a service center
with little capital IF you have the required expertise.
Pls where can I get sony service center.